Who we are
Our we
bsite ad dress is: .What pe rsonal da ta we co llect and why we co llect it
When vi
sitors le ave co mments on the site we co llect the da ta sh own in the co mments fo rm, and al so the vi sitor’s IP ad dress and br owser us er ag ent st ring to he lp sp am detection.An an
onymized st ring cr eated fr om yo ur em ail ad dress (a lso ca lled a ha sh) may be pr ovided to the Gr avatar se rvice to see if you are us ing it. The Gr avatar se rvice pr ivacy po licy is av ailable here: ht tps://automattic.com/privacy/. Af ter ap proval of yo ur co mment, yo ur pr ofile pi cture is vi sible to the pu blic in the co ntext of yo ur comment.Media
If you up
load im ages to the we bsite, you sh ould av oid up loading im ages wi th em bedded lo cation data (E XIF GP S) in cluded. Vi sitors to the we bsite can do wnload and ex tract any lo cation da ta fr om im ages on the website.Contact forms
If you le
ave a co mment on our site you may op t-in to sa ving yo ur na me, em ail ad dress and we bsite in co okies. Th ese are for yo ur co nvenience so th at you do not ha ve to fi ll in yo ur de tails ag ain wh en you le ave an other co mment. Th ese co okies wi ll la st for one year.If you vi
sit our lo gin pa ge, we wi ll set a te mporary co okie to de termine if yo ur br owser accepts co okies. Th is co okie co ntains no pe rsonal da ta and is di scarded wh en you cl ose yo ur browser.When you log in, we wi
ll al so set up se veral co okies to sa ve yo ur lo gin in formation and yo ur screen di splay ch oices. Lo gin co okies la st for two da ys, and sc reen op tions co okies la st for a ye ar. If you se lect “R emember Me ”, yo ur lo gin wi ll pe rsist for two we eks. If you log out of yo ur ac count, the login co okies wi ll be removed.If you ed
it or pu blish an ar ticle, an ad ditional co okie wi ll be sa ved in yo ur br owser. Th is cookie in cludes no pe rsonal da ta and si mply in dicates the po st ID of the article you ju st ed ited. It expires af ter 1 day.Embedded co ntent fr om other websites
Articles on th
is site may in clude em bedded co ntent (e .g. vi deos, im ages, ar ticles, et c.). Embedded co ntent fr om ot her we bsites be haves in the ex act sa me way as if the vi sitor has vi sited the other website.These we
bsites may co llect da ta ab out yo u, use co okies, em bed ad ditional th ird-party tr acking, and mo nitor yo ur in teraction wi th th at em bedded co ntent, in cluding tr acking yo ur in teraction wi th the em bedded co ntent if you ha ve an ac count and are lo gged in to th at website.Analytics
How lo ng we re tain yo ur data
If you le
ave a co mment, the co mment and its me tadata are re tained in definitely. Th is is so we can re cognize and ap prove any fo llow-up co mments au tomatically in stead of ho lding th em in a moderation queue.For us
ers th at re gister on our we bsite (if an y), we al so st ore the pe rsonal in formation th ey provide in th eir us er pr ofile. All us ers can se e, ed it, or de lete th eir pe rsonal in formation at any time (e xcept th ey ca nnot ch ange th eir us ername). We bsite ad ministrators can al so see and ed it that information.What ri ghts you ha ve over yo ur data
If you ha
ve an ac count on th is si te, or ha ve le ft co mments, you can re quest to re ceive an exported fi le of the pe rsonal da ta we ho ld ab out yo u, in cluding any da ta you ha ve pr ovided to us. You can also re quest th at we er ase any pe rsonal da ta we ho ld ab out yo u. Th is do es not in clude any da ta we are ob liged to ke ep for ad ministrative, le gal, or se curity purposes.Where we se nd yo ur data
Visitor co
mments may be ch ecked th rough an au tomated sp am de tection service.